Sneaky Stress
During a stressful event (emotional, physical, waking up abruptly, digestive, etc.) the body needs more nutrients to support its stress response and increased energy needs which, in turn, can lead...

Detoxing Through Nutrition
Even though the concept of detoxing has been around for centuries, cleansing and detox diets continue to grow as buzzwords in the wellness world. The idea implies that you can...

Go-To Chart for Bowel Movements
First off, let me just get it out of the way by telling you that I talk poop all day. For many people, it’s a topic that is both uncomfortable...

Ways to Detox After Fires
Being a firefighter, toxic exposure is an unfortunate part of the job. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), polychlorinated and polybrominated dioxins and furans, are just some of the carcinogenic chemicals that first...

How to Eat for Shift-Work
One of the many challenges first responders face is how they should be eating on their shift. As firefighters, police, and EMTs, your circadian rhythm (your body’s internal biological clock...

Top Cancer Fighting Foods
It’s no secret that first responders are at an increased risk for cancer. The chemical exposures, shift-work schedule, stress, and lifestyle of the job all play contributing roles. While there...

Unlocking the Power of Creatine: A Comprehensive Guide for First Responders
In recent months, few supplements have attracted as much attention and hype as creatine in the world of nutrition. Creatine has long been a favorite among athletes and fitness enthusiasts...

Foods That Help Increase Testosterone Naturally
Testosterone is a sex hormone primarily produced in the testes in males and in smaller amounts in the ovaries in females. It belongs to a class of hormones called androgens,...